Transform Photos Into Beautiful Photo Composites to Stunning Composites with Particle Effects

A photo will show you the object or the image captured along with its reality, that is how people like us store these as our memories. However, a photo may not be enough for publishing houses and glamor magazines, when they want to create and publish something awesome they create a photo composite adding, combining or using more photos or computer generated layers to make it exotic and beautiful.

Creation of a photo composite is a complex process, for creating a perfect composite you need to use several different parameters. This happens after great deal of practice on a good and detailed photo editing software. Composites can be done with the help of multiple photos and images. The other method is the particle effects that can transform a simple photo to completely different realm of reality. You can also use combination of images and several effects including particle brushes you can use to make a single stunning photo.

What use is particle optimization in photo composite editing?

It comes under the topic of effects, this particle special effects are provided by advanced software like Corel or Adobe, plus once you have these software you can import other brushes available for free. Particle brushes are just like the ones created for paint software. However, these brushes have the capability of altering the photo composite according to what you want to do. These particle brushes can be downloaded as an add on to to your photo editing software. These brushes do not need any extra processor speed.

So what is general use for these brushes?

Enhancing the photo composite by adding color or detail or for using more variation to make the photo interesting and vibrant. Added detail at times helps in modifying purpose of the photo completely, if it is a simple photo, you can make a composite and lend it more expression and purpose. Not every brush is compatible with photo composites, you will find a list of packs which can be used. You can alter object of the photo or lend a design to the entire background. Many people use neons and add some shimmer to personal photos, for professional publishers the list of what can be achieved with particle enhancement is unlimited, you can combine several photos to create a collage and bring together entire scape with some brushes.

Professionals have been using these for some time, complex manual system of creating composite and adding different designs to the composite has been comparatively reduced with the easy to use particle brush packs, where you cut down the time in experimenting and finding the right tone, instead you can simply download the particle brush stop and use it. Particle brushes when used with expertise do not look painted on, instead they combine with the rest of the composite giving it a completely different identity. Check out exclusive ParticleShop at Corel, which can provide you with more than 200 particle enhancement brushes for better and stunning photo composites.

Brush Strokes Packs Add Speed & Detail to Your Painting Projects

Digital painting is wonderful, there is simply no dearth of possibilities to those who live and breathe art and are so gifted that when provided with right tools they an achieve practically anything. Every great painter had his works analysed not just on the basis of ideas and wholesomeness. Ability of combining stunning concepts with equally stunning brushstrokes made the work valuable.

Brushstrokes are the most complex of all of skills. You may be a master of each type but there is no denying the time, effort and accuracy in selection and execution that you need to contribute. After a while it could become a monotonous work to do, you may feel the need to speed up. The same goes for those who have wonderful ideas which need to be executed without wasting too much time. Brushtroke packs can bring you the speed, accuracy which is simplifying and equally beautiful.

So what are brushstroke packs and how do they change the world of digital painting?

Not every object, scene or an event painted comes from the same brush, every scene is unique so is each object. Therefore, brushes and strokes vary, so does the fluidity and art work. Painters can get immense help from brushstroke packs. Each pack follows a theme and you will find brushstrokes related to that theme. It could be a jungle theme where in you can create thick foliage, grass, tree barks, fallen trees, etc., within minutes using precise paint brush strokes, you can change colours, backgrounds, etc. You can combine several packs together to give shape to your ideas.

Stunning artwork can be more enhanced with exquisite ideas that could make a modernist painting. Packs vary from the very traditional art work to modern, neon, alien, lightning, translucent, fluroscent, etc. Also find aquatic themes, hatching technique, alcohol flooring effects, fluidic, expressionism, etc. Each pack contains 15-20 types of art strokes which could go a long way in creating a wonderful artwork. You may need complimenting packs with it if you are doing extensive work in some theme.

Some of these brushstrokes can also be used to enhance photos and graphic designs also along with painting. You can import more packs from the collection made for Adobe Paintshop. Corel Paintshop Pro 2021 provides you with extensive tools and separate brushstroke packs.

Multicam Capture Feature Allows You Screen Recorder & Multiple Camera Feed Recording

Have you tried to make a multi utility video where you need to focus a camera on what you speak and show what the video is about to the viewers? It is a hectic job is arranging all cameras and shifting them one by one in real time without looking tacky? At such times, you will need take help from someone to manage cameras alone. Multi cam feature frees you from perils of camera management and allows you to record feed from your screen and multiple cameras at the same time.

Imagine you explaining unboxing or showing yoga poses where in the key is that the video is taken from multiple angles to make explaining easier. What multicam capture does is it recognises different cameras, it allows you to check, adjust and correct settings of each camera. Whenever you start recording, it fully records feed from all cameras and your screen with audio. So, you can create a vlog, give product description, unboxing, exercising, tutorial, etc, any type of video and go ahead with confidence because while editing you add feed from whichever camera needs to be shown.

Every video needs to maintain uniformity when it comes to setting light, color saturation of the video, etc. You are provided with a window with each camera feed. Herein you can pre-adjust all the settings according to your requirement. If still you want smoothness and finesse, you can do so when ultimately you have created the final footage. Otherwise, you can use a pre-created LUT (look up table) for setting an equal tone throughout the video.

No more tacky shifting of camera or video breaks or the fumbling while shifting focus, instead you have a powerful multiple camera capture feature with high level editing feature for high quality presentations or varied variety of YouTube videos. If you need a video creator for multiple reasons ranging from presentations to YouTube videos and need this feature, there is only one software which supports you with as many as 4 cameras and has extensive video enhancement and editing features. You need to check out Corel Videostudio Pro, this one and many such super features are embedded in this powerful software. Or you can purchase it on Windows solely as an app.

5 ways is Your Online Privacy compromised

Privacy is always a big talk among all types of internet giants, these promise they never collect your data and provide it to data brokers… How true is it? Now, the answer is – this is a dubious claim. Here are the reasons, how do shopping apps know which product you were browsing or searching for. How else does the website know you are a regular visitor and now a new one, why do you get weird emails if you visit a dubious site? There are more than one ways your online privacy is being compromised… Know how…

Here is a list of how you are foregoing information about yourself:

  1. Digital Fingerprinting: This is one of the most sky and dubious method of fleecing your online private information. Whenever you install an app on your mobile or a computer, not the app maker but a third party collects your data. The software probably came with the app, tacking software also comes in the form of cookies. Your information is collected and sold to data mining companies who then use it for several different purposes ranging from advertising to stealing sensitive information.
  2. Cookies: We always agree for a website to store these on our computers. Though most maybe harmless there are a few who do plant s few lines of code which will help the website track your online activity. These also could allow digital Fingerprinting or data collection. These cookies are small lines of codes which help in marking house a visitor to a particular website. These are useful to everyone but have potential to be misused.
  3. Data Collection by OS: New and highly advanced operating systems are being designed to know your better and make the computer friendly for you. However, to do this they need to know more about you. Therefore, they collect data way more aggressively than they ever did before. However, though it does not happen often it could also mean they are trying to go through your privacy settings to offer you better experience. For those who want to avoid data collection by operating systems need specific software to avoid it.
  4. Search History: You can access your search history with a few simple clicks, imagine when you are online and software giants want to know about you and your search information you cannot stop it. For that to happen, you will have to gain access to proper software for the browser which will by default keep your searches private and away from the prying digital eyes. Your search history is used by several data mining agencies and sold off to shopping and other websites for usage.
  5. Your PC: This one stores all addresses whichever sites you have visited leaving a trace for intrusive software to pick up even if it does not have cookie access. You should try and remove the traces of websites you visited inorder to avoid your computer being scanned for this information.

You may change settings of your browser or the computer, but to get 100% from the internet you will need to allow cookies and bugs will enter the system. That is why you need specific software designed by industry experts. This can help you retain your privacy, protect you from identity thefts, auto delete cookies, break the digital Fingerprinting chain, avoid data collection ,etc.

Blended Videos is an excellent feature in video making for stunning effects…

Do you want to make a statement or show a narrative in combination with the actual one? If you want to two blend basic videos to create a stunning one? If so, for all those who wish to tell more meaningful and interesting stories n a single to, the blended video composite is the one for you.

What is blended video? When you have two videos running at the same time by using the blending technique… There are several different ways to blend…

  1. Use an image and a picture to blend, represent a chaotic or a subtle expression as the background, it is very useful to tell more about the person in picture or present a journey, passage of time, etc. Image blended with video creates some surreal effects.
  2. Use blended video composite for presentations, the most interesting ways to explain, narrate to your bosses while showing your achievements behind you in the background. You can create a complete presentation with multiple presenters one after another. This blended video composite will not require a separate background filler where the blended filler can be used to show professional involvement.
  3. Blend two videos shot at different locations and create stunning complete video, for example an underwater shoal of fishes combined with a person swimming underwater in a swimming pool will create under sea like effect.
  4. Create surreal and stunning effects, something that would be hard to imagine in real life or that defies the laws of nature and let everyone be in awe of pure imagination.

Blended video composites are very regularly used in fantasy movies and other media, these entertain and people love stunning graphics,stunts and things that would be imagined on other planets. Blended videos offer unique freedom for creativity unlike any other.

Image Management Has Huge Share In Your Online Success.

Every sort of online presence where you wish to engage your audience needs a visual example. People react to images much better than just the text or audio how much ever descriptive. That is why you need an image gallery which allows people browse through whatever they are searching for. If you thought image galleries are for artists and photographers you are not just mistaken you are ignoring powerful marketing and visitors engagement tool that could benefit you immensely.

If you thought image management is all about only storing your photographs and categorizing, you will need a brief glimpse into the big picture. Image management is more about storing your photographs in a proper folder allocating a category to each, allocating a tag and a search reference as well as putting the exif data and the description of the image to be stored along with the image. Image management is also all about storing and recalling and image whenever a person is searching for them. It can be anybody searching for the image, it could be you searching for a past image, a customer searching for not just one but multiple images of a product from different angles to give him a better idea of what the product would look like.

If your website is all about images it is ideal that you create a gallery for you website, using a software that is a wholesome image management system. You can also create a slideshow using these images as slideshow that looks like a video where in people get to see e different varieties and combinations of the same product. You should have the ability to create multiple folders while allocating each folder and image a different tag and several levels of sub folders so that categorising becomes easy and each image can be properly tagged to make it accessible for visitors to your site. For artists, photographers or collectors it is of immense importance that your product can be listed under multiple tags. So, it can be visible along with others which qualify for a search query.

Now what would you need to upload image galleries to your website?

  • A licence to publish your image gallery to your website, which you would get once you buy complete version of the software.
  • Ad-free version is very important since, you paid for it you will not get ads. Display of ads is another cause of oncern. When you buy a version with licensing you do not have to worry about this third party distraction. You have absolute control over your image gallery.
  • Do you already have a website or a web hosting available? You can upload your image gallery to the website or the hosting and create your additional website or a new one. If not the image gallery software makers jAlbum provide you with a power account wherein you get hosting and domain to put your independent website.
  • Updates and upgrades are so easy, you should receive upgrades for a year also if you want to upgrade account it is way easy.
  • Do you want to pay for same software again and again? You do not have to buy this software once you have paid for it. People have very happily used the software for years.
  • Multiple methods of creating folders with ease, date, month, timestamp, tag, category, etc. The search can yeild results in similar fashion so as to provide user with almost perfect image Search results.
  • Proper display on the image gallery with important classification of parameters to make it easy for the user to understand.

Image management software can work in online as well as offline scenarios and can be used not just for business but also for archiving and categorising you family albums or your business albums.

Color Grading and Other Color Effects In Videos Depend On Your Creativity

Sophisticated video creating software provides you enormous power of choice. With unlimited possibilities with variations in every single aspect of your video, it is upto you exercising your artistic capabilities to create a stunning footage. Professional movie makers pay a lot of attention to color and lighting of each of their shot. It is true, people would get bored watching a dull footage with no color vibrancy. However, with excellent color grading, split colors, color tone, precision coloring, dynamic effects with keyframes and LUT, etc. there are ways that you can turn normal footage into a stunning video, even change the mood of the video by changing color and light variations. Here are a few color and light variations that you see used in movies, series and other media.

  1. Color Match: Now this is a unique feature, called color match, provided with Cyberlink. It looks simple enough, if you have a video with a particular object, but you like the color of another video with same object. You can use this video as a reference video and provide the same color tone to your video. This way, you do not have to spend time in finding the right color filter or effect, software does the trick in a single go.
  2. LUT – Create Import Export Your Look-Up Table: LUT or Look Up Tables are used as references by many different gadgets, from cameras to mobile phones to select and provide you with the perfect color match. For newbies, creating or learning about LUT can get a little confusing, but you can import the LUT that you like the most and use it in your video making. These tables can be custom created and saved by you. You can also create a LUT of your own and export it. It helps in crafting a consistent look in entire video instead of spending time in adjustments.
  3. Change Lighting of Your Video: Shift the video from bright and sunny to mysterious and eerie with simply few clicks, add filters to change color tone of your video and add light effects that could make it completely different than the original.
  4. Split Tones: Is the tone of your video warm or cool. If you want to change the tone, do so with a single click throughout the entire video.
  5. Set Color Hues to Your Video: Provide lovely color hues to give your video the mood you want to, this too can be achieved in color grading and color editing of your software.
  6. Color Correction: Have you shot your video against the light or when the light was low, this could cause a color distortion or make your video dark. Use a full color spectrum wheel to provide you with multiple options in correcting color of each object, bringing in correct contrast and clarity in your video making it visible in correct light.
  7. Blur and noise: If your video has a blur and a noise that avoids from it becoming richer with better color and richer content, most grading and clarity features will help you clear them out. There are a wide range of video making software that will help you clear it out.

Find the best video creator software, however some have tuned their video editing and creation software to tune it according to the target customer base. Basically,  you will have to select the level of control you need. A professional will want access to each and every aspect of video making, editing and effects including color grading etc. Below are all some superior video making software, those looking for high quality editing features should look out for Corel, Cyberlink, Magix etc. MOVAVI, Filmora and others are user friendly and provide youwith fun features and easy to use and edit.

Can of Purest Inhalable Oxygen Is For You If

Have you been living a life of hyper activity and want to be at every place for work or fun? This lifestyle can wear you out, as you age or where you live is the deciding factor in how tired you get among several others. Canned recreational oxygen is one of the most advertised product out there that promises you good supply of oxygen that will keep your spirits and energy level up and impressive. You have to remember this is not medical oxygen cylinder therefore all you get is a few puffs.  Here is why trying out Oxygen Plus could benefit you:

1. If you are involved with sports that require rigorous physical effort. At the end of the day a few puffs of oxygen can make you feel re-energized and provide you with better recovery.

2. Adventure lovers like rock climbers, hikers, bikers, high altitude trekkers, divers, explorers, etc., could benefit immensely from the Oxygen Plus canned oxygen. In fact, it is advisable that they end up taking a few of these on travel and have one with them whenever they are on the adventure. You can always depend on good oxygen give you the energy boost you need.

3. For those having stressed and busy days at office and yet need to look fresh in the evening, this oxygen could prove to be boon. A tired looking representative of a company or a party person who simply could get stressed and tired at social and family events should treat themselves with couple of puffs of oxygen and elevate themselves to another mood and happiness.

4. Though the Oxygen Plus is not a medical product, there is hardly any doubt about the re-energizing benefits of the recreational oxygen, therefore those undergoing recovery from an illness can use this occasionally under the guidance of your medical practitioner.

5. Many people are using Oxygen Plus according to their requirements. Some have used it for better concentration during study, whereas others use it for feeling refreshed after a serious workout. There are many different sizes available, from the bigger capacity to the one which can easily be carried in your handbag. You will find refills available so that there is no wastage and is environment friendly. Also the oxygen is claimed to be all natural and does not contain carbs or other calories.

There are innumerable uses to canned oxygen. You will simply need to find the best option for it.

O+ Stick - Oxygen Plus

Video Stabilization Plugin Along With Video Creator is Ideal for Exemplary Footage

Are you looking to make home movies or try your talent at shooting on holidays outdoors and creating fantastic videos of good memories. Unlike professional movie makers, home users do not have the luxury of a professional camera that will provide a stable video. Therefore when you are having fun, many a times the video ends up being shaky and unstable that it cannot be viewed.. Not just that the quality will suffer it is also that watching this footage will give headaches.

This is where video stabilization feature in your video editing software becomes very important, it manages to make the image or video stable and usable for further modifications. There is one very mentionable software creators called Prodad Mercalli who have been providing their video stabilizing software in plugin form to several video creators and video editing software. Prodad Mercalli has several different versions available. Their stand alone version is called the SAL, this version is to be used to prep your unstable video for further modifications. So you use this version and then take the video an put it through video editing software for outcome in different formats.

This does not mean Peodad does not work well as a plugin with other software. In fact, it works really well and you will not need to put video through double software instead simply use in your regular video editor along with stabilization feature. There are several reasons your video could be shaky. Firstly, you have taken it while in motion, as in walking, sailing, running or driving. Secondly, your camera may not have an inbuilt motion stabilizer which works upto a certain extent. Thirdly, you may not have had a steady hold over the camera.

Where all do you find video stabilization software?

This feature is embedded in several video creators and editing software, videos makers that are used for superior professional quality videos. Here is the list:

  1. Corel VideoStudio Ultimate: Enhanced Video Stabilization from Prodad Mercalli SE which is perfect for making videos stable for further enhancement and effects. You have this feature embedded in the software itself so you do not have to go through another step for video enhancement. Create mesmerizing photos using Corel’s own transitions, effects and publish them in different formats.
  2. Magix Video Pro X: No more sloppy or unfinished video footage, The Magic Video Pro X brings to you the ProDad Mercalli V5 Suite, one of the latest software from this company, this will not just stabilize and make better your footage, it will also enhance colors and bring finesse to your project that you desire. However, you will need to depend on Magix Video Pro X for the remaining video editing like adding music, speed, transitions, etc. Also to ensure your video can be released in different formats.
  3. Cyberlink Power Director Video Stabilizer: Though not a Mercalli, Cyberlink does provide an easy to use inbuilt video stabilizer that can be used while using software and is easily accessible. Home video makers can make their videos stable and interesting without having to go through high-end professional video makers.
  4. Filmora From Wondershare: Another video making software that has indigenous inbuilt video stabilization program. Filmora provides you with inbuilt features that lets you stabilize your home video or footage for better visual output. That is done through video editing. Filmora provides you not a very high quality but a good stabilizing feature.

Video stabilization is important for better viewing and less stress on eyes. Moreover, shaky videos are often rejected by online video sharing websites, these are considered low quality. This is basically because it would prove difficult for a viewer to get any information or entertainment from this video. If you have taken interesting and enjoyable videos that you would want to publish, you should let your videos go through stabilization for clearer video and better clarity with colors so further enhancement could create a superb video.

Aerated Bubbly Carbonated Soda Water Is Cheaper & Comes in Multiple Flavors

Many find carbonated drinks much better than the normal ones interesting and tasty. Given that you have the financial ability to purchase carbonated drink of your favorite flavor or sparkling water, those cans and plastic bottles might not do so good for the environment. At the same time, availability of a specific flavor and brand of this drink is always in question. It is quite possible that stores have their own loyalty to a particular brand or that the flavor you like might not be the best seller in your locality. Uncertainty in availability of your favorite flavor could provide you with the idea of going independant. It means the time when you have bottle or bottles full of flavored sparkling carbonated water for an entire day. So why choose to aerate or carbonate water at home? Are there any benefits?

There are numerous benefits for using carbonated water and many more for making it at home. Here is a summary for your perusal:

  1. Save the planet and how? Glass and plastic bottles can be used and reused. It reduces aerated drinks cans and disposable plastic bottles that are causing the world to become a garbage dump and causing irreparable damage to environment.
  2. Find flavours that you love. If you have at your disposal to choose and select and buy your favourite one, there should not be any doubt that you should treat yourself a flavoured soda whenever you desire. Moreover, you can carry an equal to two cans in a single bottle saving you an effort of buying again and again.
  3. Cleanest water from home and make it sparkling so you can use solve digestive problems and find more tasty version of flat plain water. You can carry 2 bottles if you need to with as many flavours.
  4. You should never have to search for your flavors, instead you should find it at the very website or store where you get your soda maker. It would be better if you are given a whole new range of flavors that would simply be a treat for you or when you are throwing a birthday party, it would be a good option for those who do not consume liquor.
  5. Money saver by the way of refills and carrying your own sparkling beverage of your own liking. Also whenever your gas cylinder finishes, all you need is exchange it for a minimal fee with a filled one. This way, you are helping remove quite a bit of debris on planet Earth.

Not just these many, you will find a soda maker adding way more utility to your kitchen, many a times, carbonated water or soda is used during constipation or blockages, you will have fresh soda at your disposal. Also, there is not dependable statistic to claim that sparkling water damages teeth or has any other effect on the body barring acidity. You can make your own decision whether you want to regularly consume soda for occasionally.

Recording Audiobooks & Mastering Them To Professional Quality Before Release…

Is it a great big struggle to begin recording of an audiobook? You have to get the recording software, mic and lots other settings on the software to make it. More than that, since the audio recording software needs to be controlled continuously , do you need to hold the book and them read out and pause each time you flick a page? If so it is time to change your audio recording software to Sound Forge Audio Studio 15. The simple reason being, you need not flick pages of your book and your software does not take your entire screen.

When recording an audiobook, you can do so with minimum disturbances, use the remote control bar provided by Sound Forge, it provides you control over all recording features and keeps the screen empty allowing you to open an ebook right on the screen and record without having to hold anything else.

Since you do not have to consult a secondary gadget or item to read from, you can automatically eliminate distractions and long pauses, which often occur in ebook recording. If a long pause does occur, while creating a final copy the Sound Forge audio recording software recognizes it and deletes the pause, thereby making flow of your book easy for the listeners.

Your voice can change and show stress as you proceed, for this you need to ensure you have a software that makes mastering easy, Covert your ebook audio file in different formats, saving time and effort on something boring and mundane repetitive work. Also you can create timestamp and timecode, MIDI recording, you can now decide and pre plan the exact minutes after which the software will automatically start recording. You do not have to click on record or have to manage reading and recording at the same time.

Voice does change pitches or show interest or boredom as story proceeds, so you have audiowave display, which shows highs and lows of your tone, these are easy for you to manage, since audiobooks are large in size and can be difficult to spot change in voice or pitch. So check out this wonderful audio software and be heard everywhere.

audio studio sound forge by magix

Latest Audio & Sound Recording Software Features VST Engine & much more

Recording sound for professional quality audio products is a complex process requiring specific, extensive and well made software. Modern software allows you mixing of different sounds, their volumes, their depth and the tones. It is when these sounds get effectively blended to give the listener absolute mesmerizing music that the record is complete. For creators of audiobooks or podcasts, there are several different challenges they much face. Here is looking at what modern sound recording and music creator software like Magix Sound Forge Audio software can do for you.

  1. One Touch Recording: A feature where you get to record with a single click, this will improve quality and waste of time. Moreover, you get to avoid all the complex workings before you begin recording.
  2. Batch Processing: It can prove to be a mundane and difficult task when you want to assign same features to several files. Batch processing with Sound Forge software allows batch processing, so convert or allocate same features to each one of the files you want to apply changes to. This saves you a lot of boredom and waste of time.
  3. Cleaning Audio Files: If you want to produce crystal clear sound you will want to eliminate the background sounds. It could be humming, pops or crackling or any other sound that should not be there providing you with pure music. Audio cleaning wizard identifies and removes redundant noise in the background.
  4. Hi-Resolution Recording: You can create sharp sounds with 64 bit and sampling rates of 768kHz. There by giving you independent and mixed razor sharp sound.
  5. Direct Stream Digital: Creating a raw digital audio or PCM is beneficial when you want to convert audio in several different formats and still keep its rich sound and depth intact. For this purpose, the Sound Forge allows you converting of PCM in several different formats while exporting or importing audio files so you can send it to any type of media device you want.
  6. Time Stamp Recording, Threshhold Recording and MIDI You need to get ready before you can record or your records should start recording and being mastered from a particular preset time. All time management including input of timecode from another device for playback is managed by this software. It gives you easy to use controls that help you configure recording time or while using multiple records can start mastering these sounds at a particular time interval.
  7. Waveform Recording: Provides you the waveform, which helps for longer recordings and help you manage the audio file better.
  8. CoreFX comes with many different features that will be better for a audio sound professional to understand.

Overall, creating a superb audio and sound recording whether for professional music studio or for an audiobook, with in-depth features and excellent manageable interface, Sound Forge Pro15 is the software to be chosen by professionals.

Thinking of Adding Some Cool Special Effects To Videos? Here is what you should know…

I have been searching for special effects and where to find them. I was delighted that there special effects sets and packs which provide you with beautifully designed, thematic digital content to make your videos, photos, slideshows, game recordings, YouTube videos, highly relevant, seem interactive and interesting. It did take me some time to decipher what all I would get in a pack that seems relatively affordable. These work with several Movavi software programs which is essential to creating fantastic videos.

  1. Effects Sets: These are several packs with similar themes clubbed together with each theme neatly arranged. These sets may contain several packs. Theme for each set is similar giving you more options to mix and match your content when it comes to backgrounds, stickers, transitions, etc.
  2. Effects Packs: Now, if you are about to give it a try it makes no sense in investing more money in a set. A pack will contain several topics, sticks, transitions, intros, outros, backgrounds, etc. Less money does not mean less content, it does limit your choice in several different packs. A single pack is alright for an individual but for a web designer, it could be limited.
  3. Themes: When it comes to themes, you have to know it should be relevant. Each pack is named on a theme and thankfully is named so to help you come at a quick conclusion. However, if you want a variation, you can simply select packs through the effect sets, there are numerous similar themes on display. Effects themes give relevant content to set the tone and guide thinking and mental makeup of the visitor through the way you want. These professionally created content are visually eye catching and easy to read.

Now what is contained in each pack, depends on the subject of the pack, some offer extensive designs and are commoner, whereas the premium subjects however, will have curtailed content. Here is what you will find in most of the packs:

  1. Titles: Now is there any question you think you should ask a visitor to extract a reaction and make them stay for more time and try out your video? This is where the titles will become highly effective. You can insert these at the perfect time in your videos, presentations or slideshows to make these non-monotonous and exciting. A title will have a statement, question or simply some phrases, tag words, etc. These when used relevantly will help you get your point across to your audience in a much effective manner.
  2. Transitions: A very important feature every video maker should have, in course of telling a story, often you are going to jump time or shift narrative or shift to another aspect of the topic. In order to make a relevant video there will be a time lapse on screen, what better to insert in there than a transition. It would be ‘some time later’ where the screen changes with the transition to keep video smooth. Transitions too are created relevant to the pack in terms of color co-ordination, tone and smoothness. There are more than one transitions, so choose darker or lighter depending on mood of the video or the presentation.
  3. Stickers: Check out a video or presentation for award ceremony, there will be a trophy, cups, golden confetti, etc. to denote that there is an award ceremony, these stickers can be displayed throughout your video or presentation on the background or be introduced along with content during relevant time. Stickers are picture representations of the theme and there can be as many as 7-10 of these in each pack.
  4. Background: In order for a video or presentation to come together, you will always need relevance throughout, a consistent background will help make your transitions, titles, stickers, etc. all become a part of video and bring it together for the audience. There are more than one backgrounds provided in each pack. So take your pick or keep changing them after each transition, it would be your creativity and choice.
  5. Frames: When you have been putting so much effort in creating a stunning video, will you not want to give it a nice bold frame, where all your magic is happening? Frames are ultimate in adding color and giving your video or presentation a character. Frames are not provided for each pack, only those where frames are necessary will have them.
  6. Intro & Outro videos: Are you personally going to interact with your audience? If yes, intro and outro videos play a crucial role. As the name suggests, intro video will provide introduction of you or of the subject. This could be in a written format and spoken too, if you want to make it more impactful. Intro videos are a must when you are telling audience about the topic and what they could be gaining out of it. Outro video can make or break the impression your video made. It is important to make sure the visitor does not forget you, you will need it to promote your channel not only on current one but other places where you are posting your content. This helps in increasing your follower base and work as subtle advertisement.

Instead of static pictures, you will find animations and animated GIF where audience engages deeply and faster. So with these effects, here is wishing you all a great video making time.

Is Skin Care Becoming Kinder and Consumer Centric?

Gone are the days when a particular brand set the standard for skin care, with customer more earth-conscious, product conscious and animal friendly, the skin care has changed too. It has gone from high end absolutely complicated chemical formulae to the genteel and personalized skin care. Skin care stopped from being at the mercy of the few and the customer finds something that suits needs perfectly.

Skin and cosmetics companies are facing competition not from other conglomerates but from people who started small, like Burt’s Bees which started using beeswax and honey into each of its organic skin care products. Castle Baths is another such company which makes it amply clear that the products are gluten free, organic and kosher. Everyone from soaps, bath salts to lotions and creams. There are many such products that have been created by creative minded, highly educated and motivated individuals who have vouched to provide products that have herbal, ancient and supreme Ayurveda and natural elements as the main ingredients like the Kama Ayurveda and the list is endless.

Are these products benefitting customers? If you go through the reviews on some of the most prominent ones are where people are using some of these home made brews and are extremely happy and satisfied with these. Moreover, with chemical skin care there was always a possibility of rashes, skin irritation and allergies. With natural herbs, flowers and extracts being used, these occurrences have been reduced to a minimum with the loyal customers. Cosmetics however, do not seem as bright or as long lasting as the very well known ones. However, you can see the companies which used lead as the main ingredient in lipsticks moving away, since the customer became aware of this danger to health. Men and women are willing to wait for desired results for their skin safely rather than compromise with highly damaging chemicals which could in long run make their skin suffer.

Hair care has become careful too. Those suffering from baldness, frizzy hair, brittle hair and other hair as well as scalp problems have been benefitted too. Getting a hair care product to repair and restore damage was difficult, there were generally some side effects. Shampoos could have normal detergents or soaps that were too harsh and caused hair fall. However, if you are in age of reversal, herbal and personalized hair care from several of these small yet innovative herbal and natural skin care companies have been a boon.

When it comes to individuals creating hair, body and skin care products, their beliefs are the rules. So most avoid cruelty, they are kinder in care, instead of bombarding their customer with instant solutions, they suggest taking time for results. Each of the product becomes an extension of their ideals, knowing their customer closely. Therefore, such small time entrepreneurs have become a competition to the cosmetics and skin care giants who seem to be heavily into following current consumer mood and advertising inclusion of herbal and natural ingredients into their products.

Seamless Media Players Is the New Necessity

With so many gadgets and electronic devices with a screen, it is most obvious that you would continue to watch the video you left off half way at home. This is where a proper software which remembers and renders the same video or media in continuation on your different device comes into play. Gone are the times, when you would need to access your browser, search for the video and move to the appropriate location to continue watching was normal.

Now it simply would mean your software is not just outdated, it most probably does not provide you with high quality HDR visual and a sound system that removes all distortions and provides you with most enthralling surround sound. It is your choice on how and where you want to watch your content, the new video playback software allows you much more than just watching videos, In order to be visible on several devices and for the software to provide you seamless video viewing experience, cloud data storage is very important. Also the cloud storage should be large enough to allow numerous videos, since videos are largest files and can eat up your storage.

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Any normal person tends to watch numerous shows and movies, they tend to move from genre to genre, preferring particular actors or simply watching the latest, whatever, classification, random storage cannot work if you want to watch the same show again or want to share the library with someone else. It would prove to be chaotic knowing there might be hundreds of videos the person will go through. Latest media software can help you with classification in storing of your media files. It is up to you to choose the basis of classification, if a file if stored in cloud, only then viewing it offline or on different screens becomes possible.

Viewing video in high quality on every single type of screen. Imagine watching a video in great detail on the TV the same video which would not give you the same thrill or fun on a small screen, with new media software this is possible, especially when you have smart TV at your disposal and you can connect to the Internet.