Particle Crawlers Add Mystery Fluidity and Fun To Your Videos

Have you seen a candle burn in the cold and the way it lets out wisps of smoke or when a particular ray of light has travelled through fog and cast and eerie glow that is slow yet makes you wonder whether it is travelling or has become frozen? This is some mystery magic that happens in real life, if you want to adopt it in your videos like the Harry Potter movies when Fred and George disrupt the exam hall you would want to check out the Particle Crawlers. These particle crawlers are haunting, for lovers of supernatural, you can create a breath of a scary entity or like those in gaming backgrounds create scenes like absolute misty reality. Particle crawlers are the unique brushes with 15 brush tips and innumerable color combinations that can help you add mystery and magic to any video. You can select contrasting colors or simply add more spunk and liveliness to the actual video, particle crawlers make these effects look easy and adaptable in a video or a photo. Particle Crawlers package is available with Paintshop Pro which provides a wide range of brushes to use. Create vapor like roll of waves or let your path travel onwards use the wider brush to create unique water waves or simply try out the sparkles, spirals, etc., that move around the space highlighting and creating beautiful shapes that bring out the symmetry of your image or video. Show your imaginary design of the space or […]

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Corel Vector Web Based Design App Is Simplied Way to Design for Newbies & Enthusiasts

Creators can find inspiration anywhere, hence the need of finding a medium wherein you can simply draw, paint or capture your favorite is a necessity using a writing pad or a drawing pad may not prove useful in all situations. Using a handheld gadget may be easier and more accessible in today’s time. Software has been able to provide people with a lot of added utilities. Seeing how important it is for creators to find a medium to put their ideas and work on these anywhere, Corel has come up with Corel Vector Web based design app, it is a lighter version of what professionals would need. However, newbies and enthusiasts will find this app a blessing. You will not need to own extensive design platform or powerful computer, you can use your desired gadget and can simply start working on your idea. You can use the powerful Vector Editing Tools which enable you: Create designs fast, with smart shape primitives, with magic control points, with flexible geometric shape creation, you can create complex and compound shapes and keep editing them without causing too much disruption to your design. Use multiple tools for designing like a pen, lasso tools, bezigon or knife. Get complete control over your vector designs because of live corners, freehand vector tools and other vector manipulation features. There are innumerable fonts for typography, this software supports Truetype and Opentype fonts, enjoy word processor grade editing, wherein you can transform your text using keyboard shortcuts, kerning, etc., […]

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