Difference Between Mobile Applications and Web Applications

Web applications and mobile applications are different by their very concept and usability. According to those who regularly use their desktops for everything ranging from shopping to paying bills are absolutely comfortable and like web based applications. However, those who do not want any spread out set up like the more comfortable and easy mobile applications. Each of these have different attributes, also these are designed distinctly different to be used on respective platforms. Each have their own limitations and benefits. Here is to knowing differences between mobile applications and web applications:

  1. Compatibility to Devices is not the same:
    • Operating system plays an important role in design and development of mobile applications. These are designed and developed to work on Operating systems, therefore they are more OS centric. For eg. mobile apps for IPhone/IPad or Android will be designed similarly with different coding for each app.
    • A web application is designed and developed to be used on web browsers which are generally accepting of every web friendly applications. Therefore, unlike the mobile applications, these are more OS independent. There is no necessity to change coding for different types of Operating systems.
  2. User interface changes because of the screen size:
    • Mobile applications are what you would call highly efficiently designed because of lack of space. These can adhere and adopt basic mobile features like gesture controls, etc., and are built for touch user interface. These are also specifically designed to fit into small screens also provide the user with same information and options as the web browser.
    • Web browser on the other hand is not designed for small screens, however, these adapt to all types of computer screens. These generally use software like the software like the HTML, Javascript, CSS, etc. These sometimes have more features than the mobile applications. Because of the larger screen most people prefer web applications because they can see better.
  3. Differences in development of both applications:
    • Mobile applications are developed using different platforms for different OS. Most of the times, though basic software may be the same. Android based applications could be created using Java or Kotlin whereas apps for IOS could be created using software like Swift of Objective-C. Mobile apps need appropriate framework to be used on that OS.
    • Web Applications are built as MPAs or multi-page applications or SPAs, single page applications. These are created using HTML, Javascript or CSS and accessed as web pages. Web applications can be accessed on any OS and you need not use different OS specific languages for people to access these pages on their computer.
  4. Accessibility is Different:
    • Mobile applications need to be installed from the OS playstore or app store, these may or may not be free. However, you have a choice of what app to install and what not. Each of the businesses try to make their own apps. Before installation each of the app store or play store provides you with information regarding trustworthiness, usability, reviews and provides a ranking or points system to each app. There are also warnings about in-house purchases associated with the app.
    • Web applications do not need installations. All you need is a web browser to visit the web application, each of this application works on any web browsers sans the OS. There is not dependence on the operation system or any need for a play store. This also means that there would not be any reviews about the functioning of the website. For those visiting first time will need to maneuver on their own.
  5. Requirement To Be Connected to the Internet:
    • Though mobile applications do need constant interchange of information, certain data is always stored locally on the mobile phone, this can allow a person to work for a while when offline. However, updating on the server can be done only after the mobile apps gains the ability to connect to their online servers.
    • Web applications have extremely limited capacity to work without being connected to the internet. Though cache can recreate a few pages saved on the computer, functionality of web apps becomes limited vis-a-vis functionality.
  6. Cost of creating these apps:
    • Mobile apps need more developmental costs, especially if you have a large database with multiple functions. These apps will also need different versions to work on different mobile OS. This increases the cost further. Plus there are charges to be paid for your app to be hosted on every mobile platform.
    • Web applications are cheaper to create, plus you may need paying for domain name and hosting services, which are limited charges. If you get a highly professional web application designed from professionals, you may have to pay them for exceptional work. Anyhow, it works out to be cheaper than the mobile application.
  7. Approval:
    • Mobile apps require approval from the operating system stores they want their apps in. For example, for iphone and ipad, app creator will need approval from App Store, whereas for an Android app, the approval needs to be given by the Play Store.
    • In case of web applications, you do not require any approval from any of the software or tech giants. You can simply launch your web application. Most countries have their own legal framework regarding websites or web applications that do not adhere to their indigenous rules. In such a case, these countries will end up providing or taking away permissions from the apps and not any company.
  8. How they access features of the hardware:
    • Mobile applications need to build apps and update each time a new feature is added to mobile phones. This could be something like face recognition or finger print scanning or something more complicated like the gesture controls. A mobile app generally includes all these features into their app, this provides the user with wholesome use of the app to what the user is used to. Where the mobile phone does not have such an extensive array of features, these apps are designed to stick to the basics like password protection, etc.
    • Web applications also include features of each type of computer. However, these work best on any OS. Also, there is very little necessity for features like gesture controls, etc. This is because people using computers do not hold those in their hands. Web applications are therefore, more at ease with basic models and high end computers.
  9. Updates
    • Mobile applications rely on network and the mobile updates that need to be carried out by the user from time to time. Each time the mobile OS releases a new update, mobile applications may need to undergo changes of their own.
    • Web applications do not need the user to carry out updates. These applications are updated in the servers, so from the UX makeover to the database management, everything is taken care of by the web application creators and not the user.
  10. Accessibility to Users:
    • Mobile applications are not on the search engines, these tend to depend on the ASO or the app store optimization to be visible to the users, which is generally a small window. Also, these apps might suffer even if a few people do not like them and give lower reviews about these, since giving your feedback on apps is fairly easy.
    • Web applications can be discovered by extensive marketing and also SEO, these applications need to maintain their number in the search ranking for several different keywords, therefore, have better visibility than the mobile apps.

There are many more differences between mobile and web applications, like the speed and the monetizations, etc. Speed will depend on the hardware and the software, also on features. Overall, mobile and web applications are both useful to the users. You can create mobile applications for different OS quite easily with relevant software.