Thinking of Making Bubble Waffles and Wondering How They are Different From Traditional Waffles?

Bubble waffles have as the name specifies, bubbles or round shaped protrusions whereas normal waffles form a similar uniform pattern according to the iron. Differences in both varieties of waffles are not limited just to their shape, rather it is as extensive as the origin, size of serving, fillings as well as the iron used for making these waffles. Existence of waffles cannot be refuted by anyone, these have been there around the world in different forms and shapes. In similar way, bubble waffles have been a popular street food in Hong Kong since 1950s. Its unique shape and texture is causing a lot of curiosity and people are getting interested in these waffles in the West too.

If you are thinking of trying out the same batter, you need to know the differences between the two:

  • Bubble waffles could taste sweeter because these include sweet ingredients like the sugar powder and the evaporated milk, this makes it thinner in texture wheras the traditional waffle batter contains flour mix and buttermilk along with baking soda or another agent to leaven the batter. Traditional waffles are also cooked as chocolate waffles, banana waffles, etc.
  • Serving style of the bubble waffle is unique that makes it very interesting for everyone, these waffles are folded in a cone, then filled with assorted ice-creams and condiments that enhance the look and the flavor. You can also add savory food to these bubble waffle cones. Traditional waffle is served flat with honey and maple syrup or syrup of your choice as a taste enhancer.
  • Iron used for making both types of waffles in totally different. For making bubble waffle, the iron has the shape of half-eggs, so when the batter is put inside and the iron is rotated, you get perfect bubble texture. Iron used for traditional waffles has pretty textures which are for better cooking and nice looking waffles, however, these are not too deep and you may or may not need to rotate your waffle iron since both sides will heat up and you do not need the batter to reach the other side for preparation.
  • Servings in a bubble waffle is generally huge, basically these are larger for the possibility of turning them into a cone, so these come with extra large helpings. One bubble waffle can conclude an entire meal depending on what you are putting into the cone. Traditional waffles on the other hand could be smaller than the plate size so these can be loaded with some syrups and honey as the user pleases. Also bubble waffle can be eaten as a conical wrap while on move, but traditional waffles will need a proper plate and cutlery.

Whatever differences in both types of waffles, the truth is food lovers will love and cherish and enjoy both in whatever they come with. You will find both waffles charming way of starting your day or enjoying a simple tasty midday meal.