Tips for Designing Eye-Catching & Interesting Bottle Hangers For Marketing – Promotions On Bottle Hangers

Spread the word about your business any which way you can, this is where promotional and marketing events come handy. If you want to make sure that people carry their promotional events home and read them later and their own spare time, you should consider bottle hangers as a powerful and effective tool of marketing. These hangers are typically the ones you may have seen as hanging from the neck of the bottle. This look cool and a person is almost immediately expected to read whatever is mentioned on the bottle hanger. Best choice for a bottle hanger would be a water bottle, but it depends on the event and the budget that you want to use for marketing. Lets first check out the tops:

1. Using a clean layout could be effective way of catching eyes rather than putting in too much information of your bottle hanger, too much information could discourage a person from picking up the bottle, thereby reducing your reach.

2. Decide what information you want to display on this small piece of marketing tool, use most relevant and highly useful information about your company or product, use a clear and well spaced font system, moreover, use a background that compliments the font and the design format.

3. Use your company logo and related designs that are commonly associated with your brand or product, deviating from any of these could cause confusion in the mind of the consumer regarding authenticity and identification. Logo and background is an ideal way of helping your customer or client familizarize with your business. A bottle hanger will prove to be helpful in this regard.

4. Color Palette and White Spaces are unique when it comes to attractive eyes, white provides a peaceful look whereas a good color palette could make your product absolutely inviting even as a bottle hanger, people are most likely to pick it up.

5. Encourage participation or interaction with call to action, put in QR codes or scan bar codes or address to your website so people can immediately satisfy their curiosity and find more information about your business or product.

6. Text & font should me measured and eye-catching, with important details immediately visible in a clear font that matches the design and background. If your brand already has a designated font, you should use it, keeping text to measured and limited with curtail over information and also save space for an eye-catching tagline. Images should be absolute high quality because these are going to be visible on small surface.

7. Size and shape matter for any bottle hanger, using oversized hanger which obstructs view of the actual beverage can become a big problem for people since they cannot see what they are picking up, therefore, if you will be using your bottle hanger on a specific brand or size of beverage, you can design it so that people can see the real product and take it so your advertisement reaches the masses you want it to. If you are planning to put bottle hanger on different bottles of different sizes and shapes, your bottle hanger design needs be in a way which proves to be adaptable and versatile.

8. Material used for bottle hanger is of utmost important because it will undergo handling by several people. Most common is the plastic coated cardboard bottle hanger. If you are innovative enough you could use tiny jute or cotton bags which could serve later as pouches. You could get a logo printed on these, you can also put in promotional material inside these bags for the person to read them later. You can also include coupons or trial sachets to be put inside these bags. This is one bottle hanger which could serve as a minimalist goodie bag. These are environmentally, economically and business benefitting.

9. Identify where you will use the bottle hangers, if you wish to gift bottles at an event to everyone, almost 100% might be distributed at these events. If you want to use these as a promotional event at a particular area or want to distribute information you can always put these on at the place of distribution or ask the retailer to do so.

Ideas for using bottle hangers:

  1. Building a brand, this is especially useful when you have a products that are edibles and involve bottling. Also if your product is seasonal or tends to arrive at a specific date. This is a great way of advertising and selling your product directly to the customer.
  2. Providing information about your product regarding any changes or the ingredients or any offers or any discounts on your product. A bottle hanger is the way you will be able to reach and offer customer directly. Plus the bottle hanger will automatically attract attention because it will set your product apart from others.
  3. Initiating response from customers off a hanger which will reach homes, good enough to encourage people to read the bottle hanger in peace and visit website or sccan code to newer offers. This way you get to keep customer engagement for longer period of time.

Bottle hangers are a great way of direct promotion or information dispensation and adding attractive accessory to a bottle that is both arousing curiosity and a promotional tool.