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Is Bluetooth Scanning important to know number of Bluetooth enabled devices around you?

Bluetooth like Wi-Fi, is another way any electronic gadget can connect to the next gadget. Though range of the Bluetooth connectivity is one-on-one unlike Wi-Fi, connecting to an unknown one can cause several problems like unintended and unwanted passing on or receiving data that could be potentially harmful. Each gadget has been provided with a software wherein you are asked permission before connecting.

Yet there could be lapse of understanding and you could grant it, it could become especially difficult if you have multiple devices at a particular location. When permission is granted to receive or transfer files, you could end up allowing wrong device to enter your gadget even enable pilfering of information or setting up a virus in your gadget.

Scanning for Bluetooth can actually warn you of number of external routers working and that you could connect to them mistakenly. IOLO does Bluetooth scanning and can help you be aware of possibility of unintended sharing of information to any gadget that could be potentially dangerous to you.

How Fermented Is Your Coffee? With What?

Your coffee beans have already been fermented before being extracted from the husk. This fermentation happened when beans were just fresh cherries. There was a time when coffee was had only a single way, black mixed with boiled water, with varying intensities. However, as people begin to experiment and want to know everything that happens to their favorite beverage, new ideas emerged. With experimentation have come up new techniques in treating coffee to enhance taste and aroma, also purposefully add new textures and tastes to the regular cup of coffee.

The first time that the coffee is fermented it is to help release the seed from the pod. For this purpose, coffee seeds are left out in the Sun. One the seed or chem inside is fermented it becomes easier to de-husk it. However. this releases only its normally known chemicals. Second fermentation could be a little more complete depending on what you choose to ferment the coffee beans in.

There are some delightful ingredients in which coffee is being fermented, both on experimental basis or to bring it to the customers. One of the most basic method of coffee fermenting is water and yeast. A soak for 2-3 days is enough to break down the chemical composition & make coffee more enhanced in flavor and taste. Kefir is another form of yeast being used to ferment coffee. One of the most exciting methods currently under a lot of scrutiny is use of oak casks to ferment coffee just the way you would with whisky or wine. This technique has helped changing overall taste, aroma and helped coffee release its qualities even more.

One of the most delightful methods of coffee fermentation is using fruit juices. Orange juice is predominantly used for this technique. It enhances sweet flavor and acidity along with the aroma. Orange juice fermented coffee is reduced in its natural bitterness and gives a sweeter taste whatever roast you use. Also, flavor of the oranges is enthused in coffee flavor. Giving it a light vibrant fruity flavor that no one can say not to. After that the beans are dried, generally under the sun, this is a very important process because improper drying could cause problems like fungal growth and coffee beans could become useless. After seeds are dried using the methods like sun drying or heat drying, comes the roasting in different intensities for you to enjoy.

Here is what happens to coffee once it is fermented:

  1. Complete alteration occurs in form of texture, taste and aroma. Certain hints and flavors are introduced and some simply become more predominant.
  2. Fermentation makes beans probiotic, however, once roasted they do not remain probiotic. That does not mean it reduces the benefits of fermented coffee.
  3. It could become lighter to digest. Since during the process of fermentation, chemical reactions have broken certain complex chemicals into simpler ones and altered composition. With subdued acidity, people with digestive problems can ingest it easily, without effects like GERD, etc.
  4. As new fermenting processes are tried, people get to experience more interesting forms of coffee which are richer in taste and texture.

So try out new flavors coming into market that specifically mention they are fermented and more details will be available to you.

Best Game Recorder Will Have All These Features

Games are as much for achievers as for luck. At times, you may find yourself poor or missing out on best guns or perks that a game might offer and you could play substandard. But there are times when your gaming skills surpass even your expectations and you would wonder if you could record your game play to show off to your friends, peers, competitors or fellow game plans. Unlike a screen recorder, game recording is a different world all together.

Here are a few points all good game recorders need to have:

  1. Recording in a different resolution, so that the picture is clearer and lag free.
  2. Launching of the game recorder should be in a single click once all the settings are configured.
  3. Game recorder should launch the moment game starts so there is no loss and shut off automatically once the player logs out of the game.
  4. Recording of video and audio should be possible together, so in case of missing out of live stream your viewers should be able to watch the recorded game play.
  5. Overlay of webcam, adding audio through mic. So though the game with its own sound effects and graphics is being recorded, gamers would like to put their face on the gaming video. All they need to connect a mic and a webcam.
  6. Separate audio file to fix goof ups during commentary while playing the game. Gamers need to play extra attention during challenging gameplay, it is during this time, there could be periods of quiet or exultations which should be avoided and the commentary should be smooth. With a separate audio file it is possible to correct mistakes while audio recordings.
  7. Game recorder should work the best on any gaming processor whether it is Nvidia, Intel or any other, also recording in 4K resolution up to 120 FPS.
  8. Want to capture iconic moments or game statistics, easy one click screen capture or photo could help you keep save stats or simply create profile pictures or channel profile pictures. High quality video shots are preferred.
  9. Convert and edit footage into formats like MP4 which are easier to share.
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Gecata Simple & Solid Game Recorder and Streaming Program

Best game recorders have unique qualities that are not similar to screen record features.

Making Morning Coffee Good Again

Earthy aroma of boiling coffee, with favorite condiments added to it can make sure everyone’s morning filled with freshness. But it is with a firm belief that it is not just a morning beverage, rather it is a beverage where the morning requires it and later in the day it is your wish. Coffee hazards have been scientifically analyzed and explained and there are quite as many benefits to a cup of coffee than there are hazards.

Here is a very simplified list of why you like that cup of coffee in the morning:

  1. Helps defeat the sleep causing chemicals in brain, so coffee literally jolts you awake.
  2. Has been proven great for teeth up to an extent, otherwise you will wonder what causes caffeine stained teeth.
  3. Does cause a bit of breathing relief, energizes you and allows you to breathe more freely than other times.
  4. Earthy smell is a stimulant, the chemical causing it essentially the same chemical as in digestive tract, however, amount of chemical present in the coffee is minimal.
  5. Adding spices to coffee can boost immune system and help in keeping your mood better.
  6. 2-3 cups of black coffee are normal with the body, most chemicals dissolve in water, therefore, for sparse drinkers all these chemicals are thrown out through the urine, making it a harmless drink.

There are several more benefits, though mild above benefits do help make your day fabulous. So here is to a wonderful cup of coffee for the good morning.

Oculus VR Gaming and Unlimited Possibilities

Virtual Reality gaming seemed to be trending for a while, however, it has gone cooler since the older generation of gamers is comfortable with powerful gaming PCs and combinations like the XBOx and PS5 and newer generations. Though VR gaming seemed to provide unlimited thrilling possibilities to gamers, it is the hardware requirement and game restraint which seems to discourage the gamers. VR games are not available either cheaply or extensively, incidentally when you invest in the hardware, you will not get to play all games, whereas a powerful gaming console and PC will allow all games.

However, as experimentations begin and new games start coming over, there is always an option to add VR gaming feature to these games, giving gamers the choice of trying out the virtual reality games. Pioneers in hardware like the Oculus have brought out different versions in VR gaming console. You will need to have a PC available or you can connect to your XBOX or Playstation.

VR goggles map your room so when you move, you are into the limit stipulated, minor yet funny accidents do happen if your room is not adjusted to the gaming. Though VR takes you inside the game, experience cannot be immersive enough to make you feel largesse of a game designed by creators. VR gaming is fantastic, it comes however, with a few constraints of its own. So though virtual reality gaming could provide with best experience to gamers, the other types of gaming consoles and machines will never go out of fashion.