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How I Ruined My Windshield!

Windshields are glass, something that I thought could be easily damaged. Hence, during months of wet weather I decided to park my car in a garage. Now, the roof of this garage forms a terrace for my upper floor. When the terrace got wet, unknown to me there formed a drip. Water kept dropping for a couple of months on the windshield. Now the concrete, cement mixture formed a giant white spot limescale on the glass. It was unfortunately on the driver side. It rendered the view to a zero. With high hopes I started the scrubbing of the glass. But the limescale deposit formed was so strong, it reduced but never disappeared.

I looked upon numerous videos and used each relevant technique to no avail. Then came out brushes of different materials and the damage caused was continuous and bad. If the white spot was bad, the scratch marks were worse. Now, I know I need a new windshield.

Now that was not the first time when the windshield damaged. The first time with another car the windshield was completely broken. No, I was not the culprit. Beach areas with lot of coconut palms is the real culprit. Tall coconut palms are safe only if there is no wind and the palm is not laden with hard coconuts. It was hot and sunny, sticky and warm, no wind at all. But a branch had become weak and came off loose, that was it. If you have seen the coconut palm, the branches are heavy and strong. As it fell, it dragged a bunch of coconuts down with it, Only obstacle preventing them from hitting the road was my car. This was the second time, the windshield of the car was damaged. Nein, It was all cracked when I saw it, all passers by looked at me with absolute pity.

This time replacing the glass was easier because of earlier experience. So, I went off on the proven route to ensure I got best deals and most perfect windshield.